Wow that MrBeast quote is wild and truly reminds me of Jesus’ model for making disciples. His twelve guys followed him around for three years and they got thousands of hours together.

This is such a good word!! This kind of life on life could be happening in church!! And how would the whole world look different if it did??

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I suspect things would look very different! I thought the quote was quite interesting as well with how in line the concept is compared to the Great Commission

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This is SO powerful! I agree that we need to be proactive in our vision, strategy, and approaches to helping out the next generation. We have learned what happens when we are reactive, passive, and simply judgmental of things before they develop. It's time for cultivating some real change.

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Vision is key. I think the next generation wants it, too. They’ll flock to anyone who has vision for their lives. Glad the article was helpful!

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Very well said! It says it as well in Habakkuk 2:1-2 that people will run after the vision when it has been written down. It makes me think of "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek as well. Powerful stuff indeed.

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Those minor prophets have some gold in them 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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