Jun 5Liked by Brandon Moore

One of the things I struggle with is pride, especially spiritual pride. 🫣 So I retrain my mind (almost) everyday with this :

My mind is Your mind. My thoughts are Your thoughts. Let me think what You think.

My eyes are Your eyes. Let me see what You see.

My mouth is Your mouth. My words are Your words. Let me speak what You speak.

My ears are Your ears. Let me hear what You hear.

My hands are Your hands. Let me do what You do.

My feet are Your feet. Let me walk where You’ve walked. Lead me.

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I loove that! The most prideful people are the ones that don’t acknowledge their pride and never come to a place of confession/repentance.

Sounds like in your struggle with pride you’ve developed quite the humility!

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It is still a work in progress! But the Lord is faithful to point out my prideful moments. ☺️

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Following God’s lead is often the hardest thing we can do. Knowing when to end a pursuit that adds to us in both positive and negative ways, is challenging. Years ago I took myself out of worship ministry, not because I wasn’t good, or was having trouble, but because I saw the writing on the wall and knew that if I kept going, I would burn out in the current environment. Years later, an opportunity opened up and I volunteered to sub until they found someone. Two years later, I’m still doing it. The biggest difference is that I’m not coming to the throne with a sense of pride(perceived or otherwise). God continues to bless the offering of worship because of faithfulness to being obedient.

Your story reminds me of Coach Wooden. He pioneered the idea of “Competitive Greatness.” Meaning that in order to be great, you have to be great at the little things. His college basketball teams had it down, even in the way they put on their socks. It’s not the fancy plays or the amount of weight we can lift, it’s the small things that are more likely to trip us up.

Thank you for your article.

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Thank you for your testimony, Chris. It’s a gift from God that He opens our eyes to the “burn out” that’s coming if things don’t change. Glad too that God has now provided a healthier way of leading for you!

And thanks for the encouragement. I remember reading that from Coach Wooden and now every time my feet start to hurt after being on them all day I think about his words about tying our shoes properly, haha!

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