What an impactful statement, "I’ll have the King but I’m not going to do what He instructs me to do.” That is an anti-Gospel and it’s one we should uproot from our hearts if we see it in any capacity."
A YouTube channel came up in my post feed that said, "If we were supposed to pick up our cross, Jesus wouldn't have had to die in the first place."
Jesus told us not once, but twice, and is recorded in 3 gospels, Luke 9:23 "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."
I awoke this morning with the thought, "what is the difference between opinion and truth" then read what you posted.
Your words are amazingly appropriate these days. Thank you.
Yes.. I think many times it’s easy to find ways out of the hard stuff! But Jesus always calls us into deeper fellowship through picking up our cross. Thanks for your encouragement!
I always see it this way. As an engineer, if I construct for example an autonomous vehicle, seeing as I constructed it, I have the right (and duty) to write instructions on how it is best and most safetly to be used. For example, don't drive it into the water, because the water will short all the eletrical connections. It's the same with the Bible. Since God created us, it is right and fitting that he gave us an instruction manual for the best functioning of his creation. If we choose not to follow those instructions, we should expect our circuits to fuse.
I was reading Leviticus this morning about the sacrifices and offerings. And convicted that whatever is brought to God must be "without blemish" - the best of it's kind. I had to repent of every time I don't offer Him my best. When I skimp my prayers, rush my reading or let my tongue have less taming than it needs. Thanks for the post, a great reminder of what we owe the King.
Good insight! I must seek to improve my love for Christ.
This week’s article talks about that!
What an impactful statement, "I’ll have the King but I’m not going to do what He instructs me to do.” That is an anti-Gospel and it’s one we should uproot from our hearts if we see it in any capacity."
A YouTube channel came up in my post feed that said, "If we were supposed to pick up our cross, Jesus wouldn't have had to die in the first place."
Jesus told us not once, but twice, and is recorded in 3 gospels, Luke 9:23 "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."
I awoke this morning with the thought, "what is the difference between opinion and truth" then read what you posted.
Your words are amazingly appropriate these days. Thank you.
Yes.. I think many times it’s easy to find ways out of the hard stuff! But Jesus always calls us into deeper fellowship through picking up our cross. Thanks for your encouragement!
I always see it this way. As an engineer, if I construct for example an autonomous vehicle, seeing as I constructed it, I have the right (and duty) to write instructions on how it is best and most safetly to be used. For example, don't drive it into the water, because the water will short all the eletrical connections. It's the same with the Bible. Since God created us, it is right and fitting that he gave us an instruction manual for the best functioning of his creation. If we choose not to follow those instructions, we should expect our circuits to fuse.
Honestly, that is such a great illustration! Thank you for sharing that.
I was reading Leviticus this morning about the sacrifices and offerings. And convicted that whatever is brought to God must be "without blemish" - the best of it's kind. I had to repent of every time I don't offer Him my best. When I skimp my prayers, rush my reading or let my tongue have less taming than it needs. Thanks for the post, a great reminder of what we owe the King.
That’s a good word, Willy! It’s hard to make it out of Leviticus without being convicted over something, ha!