Thanks for the great word.

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You’re welcome! I’m glad it was helpful

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I'm on a cold brew kick right now and working through John 15. Good read!

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I’ve never actually had a cold brew! But I do enjoy John 15. I preached a sermon series this semester through John 14-16 and very much loved it.

Thanks for the feedback as well!

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I'm working on a post right now on John 15. Summer is the perfect time to try a cold brew! Do you have a link to your sermon?

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I look forward to reading your post. Unfortunately, though, I do not. We didn't record any of the sermons this semester!

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A lot of truth here❤️

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Thanks for the encouragement!

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Great analogy. I never have become a coffee drinker but I dearly love Jesus.

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May 2·edited May 2Author

I suppose if we’re only going to choose one, we ought to choose Jesus! Thanks for your feedback and I’m glad you know Jesus.

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I used to hate coffee growing up because my parents drank it black. I discovered cream and sugar and that makes me happy 😊

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Haha. I went all in on black coffee day 1 so there was no going back for me after that!

I remember thinking, “I’m not drinking this for taste anyway so I’ll just go for it!”

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I want the whole experience with sugar!

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Thanks for this one! So good.

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Thanks for the encouragement!

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I like how you said "Fight to love Him." It's a choice and it takes effort on our part to have a growing relationship with Him.

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Yes! Lots of effort. I was always pretty stagnant (or at least growth-resistant) until I understood that piece. I expected spiritual growth/maturity to happen by default but it wasn’t until I “made every effort” like 2 Peter 1 suggests that I saw real growth.

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Brandon, a lovely writing piece! Coming from my youthful background of lots of drugs of all (illegal) stripes, coffee has been a constant undertone through it all. I am sober in all things since 2002. Coffee can be a friend, no denying that. Even plain old "Folgers" or "Maxwell House", the basic brands of my parents day and my youthful generation, coffee is always an anchor of sorts. Christ and His Father are indeed, desperately needed. No human can fulfill what God can! I walk the narrow line and the only "stimulant" I use is coffee. A bit bit of cream and that is it for me...but I am wary of too much Starbucks. They have great coffee but too much caffeine, which can catch up if you drink too much of it and then suddenly quit drinking the Starbucks brand. I have had a HUGE caffeine withdrawal headache after ceasing Starbucks lattes!!! Now I stick to plain old Yuban at church, 2 on Sundays and 2 on Wednesdays. I like sharing a cup with Christ! He helps when none else will do. Blessings! WEW

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I love this, Wendy. Thank you for your comment and praise God for His work in your life since 2002! You’ve got a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness.

And yes, I agree, Starbucks is a different level of coffee, ha! It has so much caffeine we really probably should call it something different than coffee.

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