Do you believe life with God is possible?

No seriously.

Do you really believe life with God is possible?

Do you really believe it’s possible to walk in victory over sin or have you decided you’ll probably struggle with the same stuff the rest of your life?

Do you really believe it’s possible to live free from stress and anxiety or have you given up on that completely?

Do you really believe it’s possible to have conversations with God throughout the day or is that something you stopped putting effort into years ago?

Do you really believe it’s possible for God to speak through you?

Do you really believe it’s possible to introduce people to the King of God’s Kingdom?

Do you really believe it’s possible to live an abundant life?

I do.

But I didn’t always.

I’ve spent most of my Christian life chained to shame, anxiety, embarrassment, sin, self-pity, and patterns of disbelief and self-reliance.

I would have said I believed life with God was possible but, as Jon Keith (a Christian rapper) says:

“Survival and living look the same to the one who don’t see.”

I couldn’t see.

I couldn’t see that the life I thought I had with Christ was really just me on survival mode — trying to survive the unhealthy and sometimes destructive patterns I lived in. Trying to survive the lies I believed about God and myself.

Just surviving.

It wasn’t until God gave me a word from His Word that I saw a vision for real life.

”But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.“

‭‭—Psalm‬ ‭92‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭(NLT‬‬)

After a season of despair and defeat, God met me with a word. He confirmed it the following day at church during worship. It would be a difficult season, but a season that led to flourishing.

That was January 2nd, 2022 and since then, everything has changed.

I’ve got more life. More peace. More fruitfulness. More joy. More health. More belief. More boldness. More of everything God wants me to have.

I still have so far to go.

There are so many gaps between who I am now and who God has created me to be. My bet is you see some gaps in your life as well.

That’s why I write — to explore the life we were created to have with God.

Who am I?

I am a husband and a dad to twin girls. I love my family and I love what I do.

Why are you writing?

Honestly, it’s because I’m tired.

Well, I am actually very tired. We have twin babies.

But I’m not talking about that kind of tired.

  • I’m tired of seeing well-meaning Christians stuck and hopeless in their walk with Christ.

  • I’m tired of seeing pastors fall for moral reasons.

  • I’m tired of seeing pastors resign because of significant stress induced health issues.

  • I’m tired of the fast-paced life of Western Culture that cultivates a life of unhealthy (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and relationally) living.

  • I’m tired of seeing unbiblical responses to unhealthiness that only leads to more unhealthiness.

But more than all of that, I believe that by God’s divine power, He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)

And I love myself, my family, the body of Christ, and you too much to stay silent.

What if we could live a new way? What if we could live the abundant life Christ wants to give us? What if we could live healthy and holy lives in every area of our life?

What if we could live our lives not full of stress and anxiety? What if we could live full lives because we don’t have stress induced health issues? What if we learned how to take care of our bodies so we could have more energy to love the people close to us and love God?

What if, what if, what if. I believe it’s possible because I believe God can do things in us that we don’t even expect or imagine possible. God is faithful to make us healthy and holy. (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)

Our responsibility is to join Him as he does the work in us.

I’m thrilled about the opportunity to grow with you.

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Jesus said he came to give us abundant life. I believe Him and I know you do too. Let's explore and live that life with Him together.


I'm a husband, dad, and a Dean of Spiritual Development/10th Grade Bible Teacher. Trying to follow Jesus with all I've got.